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Who Are We?

Project Automotive Consultancy, Assessment and Training was formed in 2020 with a central purpose of bringing value to the automotive industry through experience.

The practice originates from within the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, a French-Japanese strategic partnership between the automobile manufacturers Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors, which together sell more than 1 in 9 vehicles worldwide. More specifically from the Renault-Nissan Consulting division (London), the team worked to deliver value to the Alliance through various projects and strategies within the Renault and Nissan business.

The team at Project Automotive are geographically spread across the UK – from Inverness in the far North, to London in the South – and all originate from within the automotive sector with previous roles including those of Dealer Principal, Aftersales Director and Group Aftersales Manager.  They all bring front line experience to the role, something we feel is essential for driving project results and gaining buy-in from end users.

Our Consultancy, Assessment and Training services are delivered based on our shared knowledge, passion and understanding of the complexity of the industry and we are proud to have received acclaim from clients and sponsors alike.

Chris Terry

John Rostron

Niall Maitland

Jeremey Iredale

Meet Some Of Our Team

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Some Of Our Terms & Methods

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Our team are spread across the UK

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