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VHC Training - Project Automotive

We created a suite of training materials for assisting in the training of Aftersales departments with an aim to utilise the VHC process to add value to the customers visit.  Stripped the process back and wrote scripts for all elements of the process which were then used to create a bespoke set of resources.

Took the process from the basics – making the D-1 call right through to the tooling required to complete the exercise correctly to selling the findings correctly. Rolled out the videos as part of the OEM e-learning standards.

Reason For Project

Customers expect expert advice, it is arguably the reason that they visit the main dealer.  The ability to up-sell whilst providing expert advice is a skill that all Service Advisors need but one that many struggle with.

There was also a gap in the training materials – those we reviewed in the main cover using the video equipment and uploading the file but don’t coach on the correct methodologies needed to get it right.  This project dealt with this shortfall.

What We Did

We took all understood best practices and applied our expert knowledge and understanding of the process to create a bespoke set of instructional videos and documents that are used to train stakeholders in the correct methods for up-selling.

Within these we mapped out the importance of VHC, how to prepare the customer prior to the visit (D-1), educating the customer at checking in, how to create the video and sharing the expert advice – green (where no work found) and red / amber (work identified) and the tooling required to do the video correctly and how to use these tools.  These training videos became mandatory e-learning for the aftersales departments in the network across the UK and we’re utilised other regions also.


Results include a network trained and able to use the Vehicle Health Check process as a tool to drive revenues through up-sell of parts and labour.  We set the standards for up-sell in line with the OEM’s requirements and provided the Aftersales field team with resources that can be used repeatedly with new starters and under performers.  Additionally, the training materials created assist in increased customer experience by educating the team on the process to add value to the visit.

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